Head Start

A foundational course to give your child a HeadStart in life!
An integrated Math-Science-English-HOTS course to build strong learning foundations for future success for Grades KG to 3.
Curriculum built by the best
Top Subject Matter Expert
Aligned for holistic development
No empty promises. Just Better Results.
Our tech makes topics understandable & learning exciting so every student studies smarter, learns faster, & achieves more.
Teachers who help you Get. It. Done.
Strict Instructor selection
Only the best tutors make it past our 10-point criteria
Focus on improvement
100% focus on results through conceptual understanding
Student progress = Teacher progress
Your teachers progress only when YOU excel in and out of class!
Learn with students at the same learning level, speed, & style
Perfect studying speed
No teacher will ever be too fast or too slow
More concept clarity
Focus on depth & improvement when all students have the same needs
Comfort = Confidence
Never feel intimidated by your peers, just healthy competition!
Small groups for rapid progress & improved confidence.
Focussed teacher attention
Understand concepts faster with personal attention from teachers
Learn from your peers
Collaborate & solve real-world problems with students just like you
Better Results
Score better results with customized workouts for targeted improvement
Curriculum designed by pedagogy experts.
Visually rich
Animated study material to help you learn faster & better
Workout based Learning
All Higher Order Thinking Skills comes with 10 workouts.
Understand ‘Why’ and ‘How’
Focus on 'Why & How', not just 'When & What' for lifelong learning
Curriculum that builds a strong academic foundation for
future success.
Activity-based curriculums focused on 100% conceptual clarity & marks improvement for academic success.
For grades 4 to 10
maths-v2 Maths
Better marks in Maths exams & 100% concept clarity!
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science Science
Better marks in Science exams, without mugging up!
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english-v2 English
Master written & spoken English, & become confident!
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Choose youR Action Plan!
Class 1-3 Head Start 12 Months Pack
1 Year Module
₹ 43460/-
₹ 418/- per Session
Endless excitement with 104 classes!
Class 1-3 Head Start 24 Months Pack
2 Year Module
₹ 78230/-
₹ 376/- per Session
Endless excitement with 208 classes!
*Prices are one-time for 1st purchase of new users. Durations are approximate. Actual duration will vary as per credit usage.
Get customised
Tailored to your child’s
learning style!
Get curated packages and pay
only for what your child needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

A week at WizKLub Learning is fun, exciting and filled with learning! Your child will have 2 classes a week. Wizklub Learning is the perfect multi-pronged solution to continue your child’s learning outside of school to make sure they keep learning
Most of our classes are 50 minutes to an hour long - so we can cover each topic in detail through explanations, videos, games, live quizzes and in-class collaborations AND leave time for questions, support and coaching from our rockstar tutors.
No, our classes can’t be downloaded. We believe that maximum learning happens when our students and teachers interact. We encourage students to attend all classes and ask lots of questions - which is best done in a small group, live, face-to-face format. However, we have videos and quizzes after every class for practice!
Yes! You may give your batch time preferences and we will do our best to accommodate your child into that slot. Batches are scheduled for one hour, starting at 4:00 pm from Monday to Friday and from 10:00 am on weekends. Once this time is fixed it will remain the same. In case you require your batch timings to be changed you can do so by connecting with us.
At WizKLub Learning, we believe that homework doesn’t only reinforce concepts but also teaches our students to work independently and responsibly and must help them in their holistic development. After every class, we give personalized homework in the form of videos and quizzes. In case your child has any doubts while doing homework, he/she can ask their teacher for clarity during the live session.
WizKlub Learning’s one-of-a-kind and exceptional classes can be taken on laptop, desktops, and mobile devices. And, of course, you’ll need a working WIFI, camera, mic and headphones or speakers.
Our classes have a maximum of 6 students. This small group class guarantees that every child gets a personalized learning experience and attention from their teacher, for a deeper understanding of concepts and better marks!
It is understandable that you would worry about your child’s screen time. To ensure that no child is overstimulated or tired, we do regular in-class exercises to help them relax and recharge Our homework quantities and class lengths are also carefully planned and executed to ensure that your child only spends the optimum amount of time looking at the screen. Our education experts don’t believe in burying our students in homework!
WizKlub Learning has a regurus process of teacher selection & all teachers go through our intensive training program. The success of WizKlub Learning’s tutors is directly linked to the success of their students.
We are confident that you will LOVE your teacher since all our WizKlub Learning teachers are rockstars who are rigorously screened & intensively trained. However, if you do not like your teacher you can always change your tutor by contacting support. Another teacher that is specifically matched to your child based on personality and teaching style will be assigned to them.
All our teachers are highly qualified and experts in the subjects that they teach. However, the teacher assigned to your child will depend on our advanced AI algorithm measuring your child’s personality and learning level and matching them to the best teacher for them. This could mean that they are assigned a different teacher than the one who conducted the trial class.
Designed by pedagogy experts, every lesson has HD animated videos, interactive games, live quiz competitions in class so that your child will learn concepts and love learning.
Once a child is on Wizklub Learning, all the resources they need, and more, are on the platform. There’s no need for any additional learning apps, question banks, practice tests or explanation videos.
Yes, you can! We offer the following payment options: Cash, cheque, debit cards, credit cards, EMI options at 0% interest.
Your Wizklub Learning plan is flexible - this means you can use your number of classes for more than one subject - all you need to add is add another subject for your child from the Super Parent App.
We will get in touch with you via our official Whatsapp, SMS and email account, so you never miss a class or an important update. But don’t worry, we won’t spam you!
We will send you class reminders 30 minutes before every class. In case your child may have missed a class, we will send you a message so that you can keep track of their attendance too! In case of more than 2 missed classes, your child’s tutor or academic mentor will contact you.
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Parent's Mobile number is required