English Program

Master written & spoken English, & become confident!
Face-to-face, online tuitions for CBSE, with small batch size. Be the language & grammar superstar in your class.
Curriculum built by the best
Top Subject Matter Expert
Aligned with CBSE syllabus
Master real-world English, not
just textbooks
Understanding Grammar
Learn grammar with games, interactive discussions, & practise using real-life situations
Advanced Reading
Get exposure to global literature & poetry to build vocabulary so you can understand & read above grade level!
Polished Writing
Write like a champ & publish books, compose poems, write plays, & maintain your personal blog
No empty promises. Just Better Results.
Our tech makes topics understandable & learning exciting so every student studies smarter, learns faster, & achieves more.
Teachers who help you Get. It. Done.
Strict Instructor selection
Only the best tutors make it past our 10-point criteria”
Focus on improvement
100% focus on results through conceptual understanding
Student progress = Teacher progress
Your teachers progress only when YOU excel in and out of class!
Learn with students at the same learning level, speed, & style
Perfect studying speed
No teacher will ever be too fast or too slow
More concept clarity
Focus on depth & improvement when all students have the same needs
Comfort = Confidence
Never feel intimidated by your peers, just healthy competition!
Small groups for rapid progress & improved confidence.
Focussed teacher attention
Understand concepts faster with personal attention from teachers
Learn from your peers
Collaborate & solve real-world problems with students just like you
Higher marks
Score better marks with customised homeworks for targeted improvement
Curriculum designed by pedagogy experts.
Visually rich
Animated study material to help you learn faster & better
Workout based Learning
This program follows 1 teach session and 1 workout session for each topic.
Understand ‘Why’ and ‘How’
Focus on 'Why & How', not just 'When & What' for lifelong learning
WizKids learn 2x faster than students at
other tuitions
Our technology and AI will ensure your child learns better, faster, & forever!
learn-faster learn-faster
Curriculum that builds vocabulary & fluency.
Practice Based CBSE curriculums for 100% grammatical accuracy, speaking confidently, & creative writing.
Choose youR Action Plan!
Class 4-8 English 1 Year Pack
1 Year Module
₹ 35520/-
₹ 418/- per Session
Endless excitement with 85 classes!
Class 4-8 English 1 Year Pack
2 Year Module
₹ 35520/-
₹ 418/- per Session
Endless excitement with 85 classes!
*Prices are one-time for 1st purchase of new users. Durations are approximate. Actual duration will vary as per credit usage.
Complete access for ALL plans
Mastery Point Learning
Students are encouraged to work towards attaining weekly mastery goals to drive academic excellence.
Doubt Solving Sessions
Students can book unlimited extra help or doubt-solving sessions with their tutors.
Free On-Demand PTMs
You can book Parent teacher meetings with tutors for progress updates and learning insights, at zero extra cost.
Aptitude-based batching
Students are batched according to their learning levels for enhanced peer-based learning.
Get customised
Tailored to your child’s
learning style!
Get curated packages and pay
only for what your child needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

The WizKlub English course is a comprehensive programme that is based on the 4 foundational pillars of English: Listening, speaking, reading and writing. Through our bottom-up approach, we ensure that every child is prepared to speak and write English fluently and confidently. What makes us different from other online tuitions is the attention every child receives with just 6 students per class and practice workouts for better understanding and mastery.
Every week is packed with learning and fun. We conduct 2 live online classes for English every week.
This English curriculum is based on the CBSE syllabus from Grade 4 to Grade 10. Every topic is covered in-depth with end-of-class quizzes to gauge the student’s understanding of the topic. In addition, students will have access to an unlimited library where they will find study notes along with practice links or sessions.
Only the best applicants from across the country are selected to become Wizklub tutors after a thorough screening process & background check. Each English tutor undergoes rigorous training in our special interactive & application-based curriculum & learning tools.
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Parent's Mobile number is required